Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Solitaire - Alice Oesman

“ My name is Tori Spring. I like to sleep and I like to blog. Last year I had friends. Things were very different, I guess, but that’s all over now.
Now there’s Solitiare. And Michael Holden.

I don’t know what Solitaire are trying to do. And I don’t care about Michael Holden. I really don’t.”

This is a debut novel by a talented new author. I went to the book launch event in Waterstones, for details of that epicness click here!

This book follows the story of Tori Spring as she returns to Sixth Form after the Christmas holidays. There is some sort of group, or person, playing pranks on the school, and posting online about it on their blog. They go by the name Solitaire. Tori isn’t too intrigued by the pranks – more annoyed that they’re disturbing her quiet life sleeping in the common room. If these were going on in my old school I would be crying with laughter for the most part! Particularly with some of the teachers there…

And then there’s Michael Holden. Easily the most intriguing and funny character in the book. I cannot stress how much this isn’t a love story. Yes, you see sexual tension between them but Tori is such a pessimist and misanthrope that she can’t even admit that she’s friends with him. My favourite parts are any involving Michael Holden. He’s so infuriating for Tori and amusing for the rest of us. All the characters in the book are realistic and I can name characters like them from my own school experiences, making it all the more easier to relate to the book, especially when I see a lot of myself in Tori.

Throughout the book there is an undercurrent of mental health issues, which you can tell Alice has really researched to show in a fair light. Knowing many people with mental health issues (some similar to those in the book) I’m really happy with how it was done. My heart went out to Charlie as he is one of my favourite characters in the book.
Tori herself is quite easy to relate to and understand for me personally, and I think the same could be said for most YA readers. Aside from the fact she hates reading. That’s just not right!

My only problem with this book was that it ended really suddenly. We found out the truth about Solitaire (which had me guessing until right before it was revealed!) and their final prank kicked off but it wasn't as dramatic as expected. Tori’s struggle at the end of the book hit home but it was over too easily in my opinion, but done well none the less.

I don't want to prattle on too much and spoil the book – I really really recommend you go out and buy this! It’s such a fabulous read and Alice Oesman is definitely an author to watch out for! 

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